Civil Justice will now be known as Parking enforcement services , the name change has been registered with the companies office our trading name will however remain as civil justice
There is a very good reason for this as we wish to draw attention to the fact that every day possibly hundreds of people are being made to pay fines by coercion through fear due threats of wheel clamping and extra penalties if they do not pay the demand. Civil Justice has decided to do something about this
If you have had a Parking breach notice from parking enforcement services then you need to k read our posts and above all DO NOT PART WITH ANY MORE $$$$$$ they have absolutely no right to your money .
There was once a company called Parking Enforcement Services Limited it existed between 13 July 2009 until 28 February 2014 when it changed its name to WILSON SECURITY NEW ZEALAND LIMITED company number 1017779
Since then it appears that PARKING ENFORCEMENT SERVICES has become a division of Wilson Parking New Zealand limited company number 487351.
This means that there is actually no legal person named Parking Enforcement Services and you actually have no idea who this is until you get a little strip of paper which looks very much like a council parking ticket .
Everything about this ticket makes you think that you have had an official parking fine but this is not the case.
Unlike council parking fines which are backed by council by laws these tickets rely on contract law and that is where it all comes unstuck .
If you have had a ticket from parking enforcement services please contact us and we will provide you with a step by step what to do next.
I the mean time you may wish to read various associated news articles You may note that in some of the articles there are officials who state that the fine is legaly binding, but circumstances changed from 28 February 2014 when Parking enforcement services ceased to be a legal person . More soon
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