Update on the parking enforcement services fraud

evidenceParking enforcement services are still issuing tickets and  using the same old signage. They are fraudulently  alleging that there is a valid contract for  breach of terms and  conditions of payment . Please don’t pay .

to the left are three of the  four pictures which make up the evidence for  one car owner   one was of the number plate which we left off and the other showed nothing but the side of the van , so how do these pictures prove anything  other than that the vehicle as parked.

Using the data that has been sent in to us we have calculated that they are potentially  making at least  2 million dollars a year  from fraudulent tickets .

Why is it a fraud .   Well   the signage on the car park   is issued   by a trading name    section 25 of the companies act  sets out the use of a companies name and starts off

A company must ensure that its name is clearly stated in—

(a)every written communication sent by, or on behalf of, the company; and
(b)every document issued or signed by, or on behalf of, the company that evidences or creates a legal obligation of the company.

So if signage  does not bear a company name cannot create a legal obligation  and  any one who tries to enforce a contract when there is none does so fraudulently .

Further  Wilson Parking  has a constitution and the constitution  states  how it can enter into contracts   and  guess what putting a sign up with a pseudonym   is not one of them .

As the owner of the vehicle you have absolutely no obligation  to tell them  who the driver was , if there was a valid contract it  would only ever exist between the  driver and  the company  legally  capable of entering into a contract.  Please be aware that  in the case of tickets from police  and  councils there is an obligation under law  for the owner to advise the identity of the driver, but that  does not carry through to private parking matters .

All the money that is collected goes off shore  the company record is here and shows that  the company is owned by WILSON PARKING HOLDINGS PTE LTD 80 Robinson Road, #02-00, Singapore 068898 , Singapore  but ultimately  owned by  genuine results limited Box 957 Offshore Incorporations Centre, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands.

The chances are that the tax take on this is  going   back to the   concealed  owners  through franchise fees  or similar .

The only real person involved in this matter and within grasp of the average Kiwi is Norman John CARTER
1/2 Renown Avenue, Greenlane, Auckland, 1051 , New Zealand, he is the husband of former city Councillor  Victoria Carter .

Norm  I think that it is time that you fronted up to your responsibility on this one .

several people who have  used  our  question but don’t give any info   approach have    had their  tickets waived   we particularly like this one which started I have  taken  Capture

just ask them for evidence  , they cant give you any  , they have to prove the matter   don’t give them a cent.

We have lodged a complaint  with the SFO  we suggest that you do too.  The commerce commission apparently is not interested as they have done nothing with our complain to them .

New Zealand one of the least corrupt countries in the world .. we let foreigners fleece the population and we turn a blind eye . Its all in the name of  commerce $$$$$$$$$$$$

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